Corner Halftone Wave Dots
Mockup Large White Blank Billboard
Corner Halftone Wave Dots

smile doctors

Creative Director/Lauren Bayne

Retro Textured Star
Corner Halftone Wave Dots
Corner Halftone Wave Dots

don’t just smile

Smile Happy

Launching Smile Doctors, a rising orthodontic network, demanded a distinct voice and engaging experience. Partnering with ad agency, Archer Malmo, I co-created video concepts, penned all web copy, and crafted the brand tagline. I developed billboard headlines and poster messages, to accompany a youthful pop-art aesthetic with humorous and cheery messaging. This comprehensive approach, showcasing Smile Doctors' unique in-clinic journey, resulted in a vibrant brand that effectively highlights the enjoyable path to beautiful, confident smiles.

Handmade Underline Doodle

spreading joy

one happy smile at a time

From school picture fail to a newfound sisterhood, these videos prove a dazzling smile is more than just teeth. Both journeys showcase how Smile Doctors Braces help you achieve a smile that lights you up, and maybe even sparks unexpected joy for those around you.





Handmade Underline Doodle

Short and sweet, these social media videos showcased the exciting "patient perks" offered by Smile Doctors. With a fun and relatable tone that aligned perfectly with the Smile Doctors brand, the videos captured viewers' attention and highlighted the unique benefits of being a Smile Doctors patient.

Paper Speech Bubble
Comic Halftone Dot
Comic Halftone Dot

Lauren was a perfect fit for our client, Smile Doctors. Her approach to both working alongside the client and the creative, helped to push the branding into a modern and effective way of thinking. Competition in this area is fierce and a new approach is truly what they needed. Both Lauren’s maturity and playfulness helped to reposition our client to meet the competition head on and we couldn't have gotten there without her. It's just another example of why I keep seeking her out for innovative approaches to thinking and client partnership.”

-Matt Rand , ECD Archer Malmo

Halftone Megaphone
Halftone Mouth Collage Cutout




Instagram Blue Logo Vector
E-mail Glyph Icon

© 2024 lauren bayne productions llc.